Film screening: Uprising Social Workers (SI) – the movie

A DIY, amateur, self-promoting, self-loving film of Uprising Social Workers’ actions so far.

An ambitious title, no budget and sincere energy. A few random shots, poor editing, a lot of punk music and improvised disregarding messages, which are always effective because they hit where we are least expected, and in ways that sprout from the oppression of our bodies.

Film screening will be concluded with a debate about our feminist calendar and, if the energy will be good, even with an idea to do something naughty at night.

Come prepared! See you!

In the Slovene language.

Co-organization: [A] Infoshop

Free Entrance.

Map of ACC Metelkova mesto

[A] Infoshop, ACC Metelkova mesto
Film screening: Uprising Social Workers (SI) – the movie
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