8 th of March 2014
Gallery: Burlesque Lounge: Red Cabaret z gosti Kabare, eksperimentalno gledališče/The Burlesque Lounge: Cabaret, experimental theatre
8 th of March 2014
Gallery: Koncert: Urtiga (Slovenija)
8 th of March 2014
Gallery: Predstavitev koledarja Vstajniških socialnih delavk/Presentation of the calendar of a feminist group Vstajniške socialne delavke (Revolting Women Social Workers): Hočem svoj del zgodovine!/I Want My Part Of The History!
8 th of March 2014
Gallery: Literarni večer: Domovina, bes mašina – Jelena Anđelovski (Srbija)
8 th of March 2014
Gallery: Projekt/Project: Feministični WikiMaraton/The Feminist WikiMaraton
8 th of March 2014
Gallery: Delavnica/Workshop: Igra za scenske umetnike s področja performativne umetnosti/A play for scenic artists from the area of performative arts
7 th of March 2014
Gallery: Koncert/Concert: Sajsi MC (Srbija/Serbia) in/and Zdrada Pałki (Poljska/Nemčija)/(Poland/Germany)
7 th of March 2014
Gallery: Koncert/Concert: Sajsi MC (Srbija/Serbia) in/and Zdrada Pałki (Poljska/Nemčija)/(Poland/Germany)
7 th of March 2014
Gallery: Pogovorni cikel/Open discussion: Misliti nemogoče (6): Radikalizirajmo feminizem/Thinking the Impossible (6): Let’s Radicalise Feminism
7 th of March 2014
Gallery: Predstava/Performance: Neformalna skupina ZIZ (Slovenija): Med dvema ognjema: Ljubim-te-dobro-se-mej-adijo-dobiva-se-na-kavi-pol-pa-se-dava-dol/ Informal group ZIZ (Slovenia): Between two fires: I-love-you-have-a-nice-time-goodbye-meet-you-for-a-coffee-afterwards-we-get-laid
7 th of March 2014
Gallery: Delavnica: DIY produkcije glasbe in DJ-anja/Electronic music production and DJ workshop – Martyna Hormańska alias Zdrada Pałki (Poljska/Nemčija)/(Poland/Germany)
7 th of March 2014
Gallery: Delavnica/Workshop: Igra za scenske umetnike s področja performativne umetnosti/A play for scenic artists from the area of performative arts
7 th of March 2014
Gallery: Delavnica/Workshop: Igra za scenske umetnike s področja performativne umetnosti/A play for scenic artists from the area of performative arts
6 th of March 2014
Gallery: Koncert/Concert: Tirana (Avstrija/Austria) in/and Aivery (Avstrija/Austria)
6 th of March 2014
Gallery: Skupinska razstava/ Group exhibition: Skozi njene oči. Utrinki lezbično-feministične produkcije/ Through Her Eyes. The Flashes of Lesbian-Feminist Production
6 th of March 2014
Gallery: Razstava in pogovor/Exhibition and Discussion: 15 let Rdečih zor/15 years of Red Dawns: Grafična podoba festivala skozi čas/Visual image of the festival through time
6 th of March 2014
Gallery: Debata/Debate: Drugačen šport je mogoč?!/Another Sport is Possible?! Feminizem, queer in trans v športu/Feminism, Queer and Trans in Sports
6 th of March 2014
Gallery: Delavnica: DIY produkcije glasbe in DJ-anja/Electronic music production and DJ workshop – Martyna Hormańska alias Zdrada Pałki (Poljska/Nemčija)/(Poland/Germany)
6 th of March 2014
Gallery: Delavnica/Workshop: Igra za scenske umetnike s področja performativne umetnosti/A play for scenic artists from the area of performative arts