Premiere: Fem TV 6.0 x Thistle Anti-award


Thursday, 7 March 2024, at 8 pm

Gromka Club, Masarykova 24, 1000 Ljubljana

Premiere of Fem TV 6.0 and Thistle anti-award winner announcement


Free entry, collection of voluntary contributions. Recommended contribution 7€


Fem TV 6.0 x Thistle Anti-award

The Feminist Year is around and it’s time to re-declare the Thistle Anti-award. This dishonorable title can befall anyone who publicly attacks, humiliates, and insults others on the basis of gender identity, gender expression and/or sexual orientation.

The announcement of the Thistle Anti-award award is the result of the cooperation of the Red Dawns collective and the editorial staff of the online portal Of course, it cannot be done without an interested public, who can participate in voting on several levels. Anyone who notices a sexist statement can report it on the bodeče neza portal ( A working group consisting of the editorial board and the Red Dawns collective decide which statements will be published. The audience will choose the winning, most daring statement at the award announcement, which will take place as part of the Fem TV 6.0 show. All of you who will follow the event will be able to vote live for your favorite” among the 5 selected statements.


Fem TV is a burlesque-cabaret show, consisting of short sketches that parody television shows and news programs and provide a sharp critique of current social events. The Fem TV collective has existed for more than ten years, it was formed in 2011 and performed for the first time in 2012. Nevertheless, it was also during the period of COVID isolation with online performance of performances. The play plays with traditional and modern theatrical and television expressions, dealing with the most current events. This edition of Fem TV takes a look at public health care, the flooding of the media and public space with advertisements, opposes with humor the rhetoric of right-wing radical populist leaders and the stunted cult of personality of all the richer multimillionaires; is thinking about the Slovenian judicial system.



More about the Thistle Anti-award (bodeča neža) Award through

Online voting for five nominees through



“Tea Hvala examines Fem TV in the essay Working on Gender, New Burlesque and Cabaret in Ljubljana and highlights the deliberate unprofessionalism of the performers and humor as the strongest critical tool for the politicization of ignored topics. The trash aesthetics of the show Fem TV 3.0 is not only its common thread but is primarily a way of establishing an attitude towards the phenomenon of media distortion of reality, with an emphasis on criticizing the distorted image of the female body and the role of a woman as a mere object that serves both the profitable beauty industry and the open perpetuation of patriarchy.” (source: MMC)



Organization: 25th International Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns

Coproduction / co-organisation: Vita Activa, Fem TV, Matafir Association, Club Gromka

The Fem TV collective consists of: Eva Jus, Danijela Zajc, Pia Skušek, Ana Grobler, Ana Čigon, Vasja Progar, Jaka Andrej Vojevec, Slobodan Malić, Bernarda Kristan, Tadeja Pirih, Hay.

Make up: Avalon

Technical support: Jaka Korošec

Design of the poster and graphic design: Ariane Podlesny

Contacts for media and press:

Financial support: City of Ljubljana – Culture Department


Facebook Event



Premiere: Fem TV 6.0 x Thistle Anti-award