6 th of June 2024
Gallery: Rick Burger: Portreti moči / Rick Burger: Portraits of Strenght
10 th of March 2024
Gallery: Odprti trening Roller derbyja Ljubljana / Open training of Roller derby Ljubljana
10 th of March 2024
Gallery: Nežuljka: Delavnica protestniških vezenin / Nežuljka: Workshop of protest embroideries
10 th of March 2024
Gallery: Branč: lonec sreče / Brunch: Potluck
9 th of March 2024
Gallery: Klubske zore: Travis or Alice, Kathron, Nastynancy in Pixel Bambi / Club Dawns: Travis or Alice, Katron, Nastynancy, and Pixel Bambi
9 th of March 2024
Gallery: Klubske zore: Stellar Corpse / Club Dawns: Stellar Corpse
9 th of March 2024
Gallery: Program kratkih kvir-feminističnih in kvir-feminističnih p***o in erotičnih filmov / A program of feminist and queer short films and short queer-feminist p**n and erotic films
8 th of March 2024
Gallery: Koncertne zore: Punx’n’Kweenz / Concert Dawns: Punx’n’Kweenz
7 th of March 2024
Gallery: Premiera: Fem TV 6.0 x bodeča neža / Premiere: Fem TV 6.0 x Thistle Anti-award
7 th of March 2024
Gallery: Sara Skenderija: ZOMI
7 th of March 2024
Gallery: Ariane Podlesny: Vzhajajoča identiteta / Ariane Podlesny: Dawning Identity
6 th of March 2024
Gallery: Koncertne zore x FriFroma: Tizia Zimmermann in Pablo Lienhard (CH) / Concert Dawns x FriForma: Tizia Zimmermann and Pablo Lienhard (CH)
6 th of March 2024
Gallery: IGNOR x RZ
6 th of March 2024
Gallery: Utopična okrogla miza: zgradimo varnejše kulturne prostore / Utopian round table: Let’s Build Safer Cultural Spaces
5 th of March 2024
Gallery: Slobodan’s New Materialisms: 40
5 th of March 2024
Gallery: Literarni večer: Feministična poezija z Ano Makuc / Literary evening: Feminist poetry with Ana Makuc
3 rd of March 2024
Gallery: Območje tkanega prostora / Area of Weaved Space
2 nd of March 2024
Gallery: Program feminističnih in kvirovskih kratkih filmov / A program of feminist and queer short films
2 nd of March 2024
Gallery: Kaja Janjić: ZAKAJ TAKO JEZNO? ZAKAJ NE!?/ Kaja Janjić: WHY SO ANGRY? WHY NOT!?
20 th of February 2024
Gallery: Rdeči benefit / Red benefit
9 th of February 2024
Gallery: Unikatni femi-kvir potiski / Unique femme-queer printing