Voting for the bodeča neža award 2020-2021 has started!


Bodeča neža for the most sexist statement of the year is awarded by the staff of the 22nd International Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns and the editorial board of the web portal together with the interested public.


However, this dishonourable title can befall on anyone who publicly attacks, humiliates and insults others on the basis of gender, sexual orientation and/or gender identity. Among the 23 nominated statements we received via the online form, the working group judged that the published ones met the criteria of sexist speech. Which is the most prickly one? We leave the decision to you.


You can cast your vote via the official bodeča neža award website at



Production: The working team of the bodeča neža award

Co-production: 22nd Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns, web portal

Language: Slovene

Voting for the bodeča neža award 2020-2021 has started!