Opening of the exhibition “Hands” by Eva Jakopič (SI)

You are kindly invited to the opening of the exhibition Hands by Eva Jakopič, on 9th March, at 18:00, at Jalla Jalla, ACC Metelkova.


Hands is a textile prints installation by Eva Jakopič conceived as an interplay on scenes from everyday life. By using different visual and printing techniques, the author is taking a more dynamic approach to an otherwise rigid and formalized field of textile print and thus achieve the effects of unpredictability and coincidence. Collaging of Hands takes place both on the level of combining different crayon drawings and on the level of using several printing screens, different pieces of fabric and various other materials, such as adhesive tapes, embroidery, etc. On the substantive level, the authors approach introduces deconstruction and disembodiment of images. A seemingly innocent technique of collage enables the author to play with socially codified modes of dressing or in other words, with fashion as a means of visually representing social roles and gender divisions.

The deconstruction of the socio-fashionable body leads to disembodiment, thereby bringing into the foreground the hands, parts of our bodies that are always uncovered and that represent an important object of social codification of gender identities. The language of hands is a symbolic language of gender-less, disembodied hands, recorded on textile. It is the hands that draw and print, do the dressing and the weaving of stories (on textile) and that reveal much more about us than the clothes we wear.

Textile paintings were made under menthorship of doc. Katja Burger Kovič.


Exhibition will last until 21. 3. 2017. Opening hours: each day during the opening of Jalla Jalla. 

Free entrance.

Co-organization: Jalla Jalla

Map of ACC Metelkova mesto

Opening of the exhibition “Hands” by Eva Jakopič (SI)