March 5th-10th 2013, Ljubljana
Welcome! Below, you can find the festival schedule and venues with street addresses. Check the PROGRAMME pages for detailed descriptions of (almost:) all events.
On Marc 7th and 8th, Deuje babe (Wild women) festival is happening with our program support in CMAK club in Cerkno.
Festival locations
Ljudmila – Ljubljana Digital Media Lab, Rimska 8
Cafe Open, Hrenova 19
Kiberpipa / Cyberpipe, Kersnikova 6
Projektna soba SCCA-Ljubljana, Metelkova 6
Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova (MSUM), Maistrova 3
Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana, Slomškova 18
ŠKUC-Kulturni center Q-Klub Tiffany, ACC Metelkova mesto (building Lovci)
Galerija Mizzart, ACC Metelkova mesto (building Pešci)
Galerija Alkatraz, ACC Metelkova mesto (building Hlev)
A-Infoshop, ACC Metelkova mesto (building Hlev)
Menza pri koritu, ACC Metelkova mesto (building Hlev)
Studio of Tina Drčar, ACC Metelkova mesto (building Hlev)
CMAK club, Bevkova ulica 11, 5282 Cerkno
14th Red Dawns Festival Program
Tuesday, March 5th
7:00 pm, Café Open
Exhibition opening
Nina Bric (SLO)
Co-organization: Café Open
Wednesday, March 6th
11 am, Kiberpipa
Press conference
Presentation of the 14th Red Dawns program
Presentation of the regional network of similar festivals, initiatives and media with guests from Vox Feminae festival (CRO), Befem festival (SRB), (CRO) and local groups (to be announced). In Slovene, Croatian and Serbian.
12 am, Ljudmila
Workshop (until 2 pm)- Day 1
Željko Blaće (HR): Queer OS
Operating system for fags, radical fairies and questioning nerds
In Croatian, Slovene and English.
Apply to:
Co-production: Ljudmila – Ljubljana Digital Media Lab
4 pm, Ljudmila
Workshop (until 7 pm) – Day 1
Nataša Muševič / Dot (SLO): Electronic Music Production
In Slovene and English.
Women and trans people come first, fee for both days: 12 €.
Apply to:
Co-production: Ljudmila – Ljubljana Digital Media Lab
4 pm, Galerija Mizzart
Video reporting workshop (until 6 pm) – Day 1
Marion Trotte (F) & Eva Matarranz (E)
On Thursday and Friday, we will workshop at a mutually agreed time. For Saturday and Sunday, see the program. In English.
Fee for all days: 10 €. Apply to:
Co-organization: Galerija Mizzart
5:30 pm, Klub Tiffany
Photo exhibition opening and presentation
Belma Bećirbašić (BiH): Which Body Do You Speak? Body Politics and Resistance to Norms
In Bosnian. Translation to English available on demand.
Opening time on March 7th and 8th: 6pm-10pm.
Co-production: ŠKUC-Kulturni center Q-Klub Tiffany
7 pm, Galerija Mizzart
Festival info point and exhibition opening
Dina Rončević’s (CRO) embroidery Four stroke
Tina Drčar’s (SLO) installation To Die for Life
Jelene Meek’s (NL) video performances The Red Thread and Nivea Visage Young
Crowdfunding for Signe Baumane’s (Latvia/USA) animation Rocks in my Pockets (w/ trailer viewing)
Until March 9th, open between 3 pm and 9 pm, on March 10th, between 12 am and 4 pm.
Co-organization: Galerija Mizzart
8 pm, Galerija Alkatraz
Exhibition opening
Collective VE-ZA (SLO): Be Mine
March 7th-9th , open between 3 pm and 11 pm, March 10th-27th, during regular opening hours.
Co-organization: Galerija Alkatraz
10 pm, Menza pri koritu
Performative multimedia concert Wanda & Nova deViator (SLO): Resistance
11:30 pm, DJ program w/ elminjaninja (SLO)
Co-organization: Menza pri koritu
Fee: 5 €
Thursday, March 7th
11 am, Ljudmila
Workshop (until 3pm) – Day 2
Željko Blaće (CRO): Queer OS
Operating system for fags, radical fairies and questioning nerds
In Croatian, Slovene and English.
Apply to:
Co-production: Ljudmila – Ljubljana Digital Media Lab
3 pm, Galerija Mizzart
Festival Info Point (until 9 pm)
Festival program details, sales of Red Dawns publications and silk-screened merchandise, coffee, tea and the hang-out spot.
Co-organization: Galerija Mizzart
4 pm, Ljudmila
Workshop (until 7 pm) – Day 2
Nataša Muševič / Dot (SLO): Electronic Music Production
In Slovene and English.
Women and trans people come first, fee for both days: 12 €
Apply to:
Co-production: Ljudmila – Ljubljana Digital Media Lab
4 pm, Klub Tiffany
Workshop (until 7 pm)
Željko Blaće (CRO): QueerSport
In Croatian and English.
Apply to:
Co-production: Ljudmila – Ljubljana Digital Media Lab
6 pm, A-Infoshop
Film screening
Su-Hsian Chen (Taiwan): Lesbian Factory (2010, 56′)
In English, Tagalog and Chinese with English subtitles.
Co-organization: A-Infoshop
8 pm, Projektna soba-SCCA Ljubljana
Video installation and artist talk
Nataša Skušek (SLO): A Real Man
On view also on March 8th between 10 am and 5 pm.
In Slovene. Translation to English available on demand.
Co-production: Center for Contemporary Art SCCA-Ljubljana
10 pm, Menza pri koritu
Concert Grrrls Night Out
Mayr (A)
Killa Marilla (A)
Cherry Sunkist (A)
11:30 pm, DJ program w/ Omelette du fromage (SLO)
Co-production: GRRRLS Kulturverein Graz
Co-organization: Menza pri koritu
Fee: 5 €
Friday, March 8th – International Women’s Day
12 am, Ljudmila
Workshop (until 4 pm) – Day 3
Željko Blaće (HR): Queer OS
Operating system for fags, radical fairies and questioning nerds
In Croatian, Slovene and English.
Apply to:
Co-production: Ljudmila – Ljubljana Digital Media Lab
3 pm, Galerija Mizzart
Festival Info Point (until 9 pm)
Festival program details, sales of Red Dawns publications and silk-screened merchandise, coffee, tea and the hang-out spot.
Co-organization: Galerija Mizzart
6 pm, Klub Tiffany
Sanja M. Bojanić (SRB/F): Care through a Queer Lens
In English.
Co-organization: ŠKUC-Kulturni center Q-Klub Tiffany
7:30 pm, MSUM
Theatre performance
KUD Transformator (SLO): Women’s Room
In Slovene.
Production: KUD Transformator, co-organisation: MSUM, support: ŠOU in Ljubljana
Fee: 2 €
8 pm, Kiberpipa
Film screenings
Iztok Klančar (SLO/NL): My Men (2012, 4’20”) In English without subtitles.
Vika Kirchenbauer (D): Like Rats Leaving a Sinking Ship (2012, 24′) In English without subtitles.
Theo Solnik (D): Anna Pavlova Lives in Berlin (2011, 79′) In German and Russian with English subtitles.
Co-organization: Kiberkino
9 pm, Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana
Public discussion on International Women’s Day
And What do Others Have to Say? New Fronts of Feminism
In Slovene.
Production: Zavod Bunker
10 pm, Menza pri koritu
Petja Grafenauer, Zoran Srdić Janežič, Simon Macuh (SLO): Mojca, ärgere dich nicht
Co-production: Zavod GULAG
10:30 pm, Concert
Women’s Section of Theremidi Orchestra (SLO)
Maneki Nekoč (A)
11 pm, DJ and VJ program Revoltaža with Zadruge Female’s’Cream
Co-organization: Menza pri koritu and Zadruge Female’s’Cream
Fee: 5 €
Saturday, March 9th
10 am, Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana
Video reporting workshop (until 2pm) – prelast meeting
Marion Trotte (F)
In English. Apply to:
Co-organization: Zavod Bunker
2:00 pm, Galerija Mizzart
2:30 pm, courtyard of ACC Metelkova mesto
Feminist meeting point for the Fourth all-Slovene people’s uprising, starting at 3 pm at Kongresni trg.
6 pm, Atelje Tine Drčar
Artist talk with Tina Drčar (SLO)
In Slovene.
7:30, Klub Tiffany
Anthology presentation
Dragoslava Barzut (SRB): A Decent Life – Lesbian Short Stories from former-Yugoslav Countries
In Slovene and Serbian.
Co-organisation: ŠKUC-Kulturni center Q-Klub Tiffany
10 pm, Menza pri koritu
U pol’ 9 kod Sabe (CRO)
11:30 pm, DJ program w/ Dot (SLO) and Ninabelle (SLO)
Co-organization: Menza pri koritu
Fee: 5 €
Sunday, March 10th
10 am, Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana
Video reporting workshop (until 6 pm) – last meeting
Marion Trotte (F)
In English. Apply to:
Co-organization: Zavod Bunker
12 am, Galerija Mizzart
Closing festival event
Red Dawns Fair (until 4pm)
Unique, hand-made products by local and foreign artists.
Co-organization: Galerija Mizzart
We are still looking for volunteers, especially photographers and camera women for documenting the 14th festival edition. Please, write to:
Older posts
You are invited to
Saturday, February, 9th 2013, at 22.00,
in Menza pri koritu, ACC Metelkova mesto
for the 14th International Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns
happening from March 5th until 10th 2013 at Metelkova.
The team of feminist and queer festival, Red Dawns, is now working at full speed. The 14th festival is just around the corner, taking place between 6th and 9th of March, 2013. You can express your support for the festival on Carnival Saturday Night, when all contents, forms and species of sexed distortions, straightenings and fluidities are going to pop up. The theme of the evening is ‘gender freak show‘, and all kinds of gendered binarisms and fluidities are going to be more than appreciated.
The programme:
Have you always wanted to sing in front of a big audience? Have you always been dreaming about the minute of fame? Would you like to show to the world what you’re capable of? If you answered the above questions with yes, we have incredible news for you. All this and much more will be possible on the Carnival Saturday night with our conductor,Meta. There will be an opportunity for the minute of fame, and, rest assured, there will be the audience for all your operatic screeching and gentle roaring. You will have no other choice but to get your guts up and jump onto the stage.
DJ programme with GroßUndArtig
When karaoke finishes, you will be gently swinged about by two grandiose, brilliant and widely acclaimed DJs DjaneGroßUndArtig in the rhythms of electropop-female-dancy-hip-to-hop-alles kind of music.Before, in between, and after dancing you will have no choice but to indulge yourself in delicious drinks, hand-printed shirts, aprons, and other stuff for the decoration of your costumes. There will also be a Lottery of Destiny, where you will be able to gamble for the brand new future. The decoration of the supernaturally good atmosphere will be taken care for byAlota Trash team.Anyways – be it your wish to spend your Carnival Saturday night in an unusual, exciting, super hot, swelling, in other words, cracking, amazing, incredible way – this is just the place for you.
Dresscode: »Genderfreakshow«
Entrance fee: before midnight 3EUR with costumes/4 EUR without costumes, after midnight 4 EUR with costumes/5 EUR without costumes
Poster: Ana Čigon
Cooperation and support: DJ in DJaneGroßUndArtig, AlotaTrash, Menza pri koritu, Meta Erženičnik