Call for proposals for the festival’s 2013 graphic image
Marking its 14th year, the international feminist and queer festival Red Dawns will take place at various venues of AKC Metelkova Mesto in the beginning of March 2013.
Everyone is invited to participate in the festival, especially aspiring artists who find creating a new image for the Red Dawns 2013 a challenge. The graphic image should cover themes as sexual roles and identities, sex, gender or sexuality. The image for the poster that will present the meaning and contents of the festival at it’s best, will be selected as a motif which will present the 14th international feminist and queer festival Red Dawns.
Proposals for graphical signs can be sent to (subject: Motif for Red Dawns 2013). The rendition must be made in a vector form pdf or in a project file of a design software in layers (each color must have its own layer, size A4-A3, 300 dpi). The motif can have as much as three colors, but must be rendered in just one color as well. You can add a short description of the presented work if you like. One person can apply with two or less sugesstions.
The selection will be final by the end of 2012. The winner gets a free entrance to an uforgettable experience at all events of the next festival.
Submission deadline: September 10th 2012
Contact for further questions or applications: (subject: Motif for Red Dawns 2013)