Grafična podoba: Lenča Malec

The 26th International feminist and queer festival Red Dawns events are (mostly) free of charge. You can support the festival via a donation through our transaction account SI56 6100 0001 6041 722 (code of purpose: CHAR, purpose: donation for Red Dawns, address: KUD Mreža, Masarykova cesta 24, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia) or through PayPal.


You can make a donation through the

PayPal link

or with a transfer to the following bank account:

KUD Mreža

Masarykova 24

1000 Ljubljana


Delavska Hranilnica D.D. Ljubljana

IBAN: SI56 6100 0001 6041 722

Code of purpose: CHAR

Purpose: donation for Red Dawns

The Red Dawns team sincerely thanks you for your donation!