photo: Matthias Heissler Concert: Petra und der wolf (A) You are kindly invited to a concert on Friday, 8 March, at 21:30, at Club Gromka, ACC Metelkova mesto. ********************************************** Petra und der wolf (Austria) Sometimes, genre can be hard to pin down. By turns raw and furious or delicate and composed, Viennese band petra und der wolf give musical expression to emotions like anger, hope, grief, irony and confidence. Their work shuns conventional song structures, sacrificing catchiness where necessary. Petra und der wolf are emotionally convincing. Not listening just isn’t worth it. You might say that it’s all in the name: petra und der wolf instantly recalls Prokoviev’s musicalisation of characters (petra und der wolf do the same for emotions), while also immediately bringing to mind what can be read as a feminist reappropriation. And that completes the profile of a band that skirts the edges of post-rock, antifolk and grunge – a band that has taken a political stand, too, through Girls’ Rock Camps, and, no less importantly, in co-founding the queer-feminist record label unrecords. But you only really come to understand petra und der wolf if you experience their concerts, where norms and courtesy are driven into the ground, often plaintively, and there are no half measures.
********************************************** Co-organisation: Klub Gromka, KUD Podtalnica Recommended contribution: 5 – 7 euros |
MARCH 8TH 21:30
Concert: Petra und der wolf (A)