Bojana Rudovič Žvanut and Maja Smrekar: hypnagogija 01

Open-air photo projection: Bojana Rudovič Žvanut (SLO) and Maja Smrekar (SLO): Hypnagogia 01

Open-air photo projection

Bojana Rudovič Žvanut (SLO) and Maja Smrekar (SLO): Hypnagogia 01

Photo-documentation of authors’ different identities, depicted by photos of iconographical and spatial indifference, explains that these atmospheres are not solely dead points of temporary autonomy, but are active emotional carriers in the archives of subjective memory. The exposition of nostalgia for granted safety comes clear in historicization of content from the past, supported by personal props. By way of transforming this subject matter from a mature perspective, schizophrenically mixed with infantile stand-point, the authors intervene in the representativeness of their own identity which is within this context manifested as a post-human or dispersed subject.

Body/subject as hymenic, reversible, simultaneously object and subject (Merleau-Ponty) are the artists’ main points of reference. With diving into framework of photographic iconography of analogous medium, the representations of dispersed identity through frozen time give comment on the ways of inter-subjective insights into technological (“accidental” analogous) processes on one hand, and materialised allegories of emotional memory on the other. Threading these kinds of images creates an intimate imaginarium of archiving/historicizing dis-emotionality and techno-kitsch.

“There’s forever been some kind of an ambivalence attached to a rabbit on a symbolical level. Maybe this could be the reason for its popularity in vast cultural fields and mythical tradition: the rabbit is the personification of wisdom, but also of stupidity, of femininity and androgeny, of cowardice and courage, of sexuality and innocent purity. A rabbit is adorable and submissive animal, while it also easily transforms into a creepy monster from the twilight zone during fantasmagorical visions: we are dealing with the creature, which seems obviously fit for intriguing and ambiguous kingdom of Hypnagogia, which, by definition, does not stand for anything else but the state between being awake and being asleep.”  (Matjaž Brulc, Simulaker Gallery)

Bojana Rudovič Žvanut (SLO) has a degree in cultural studies and is also known as a “burekologist”. As an analog lover, she swims in the waters of production.

In her conception and realisation of inter-media projects, Maja Smrekar (SLO) re-articulates the usage of new and old technologies. She interdisciplinarily stresses the synergy of mutual relations between fields of science, art and technology, from the standing point of perceptive phenomena of the individual and the society. Her aim is to re-interpret past and present media environments by various interventions in the body and identity and also to give a critical warning of possible images of social realities in the future.

On view from March 8th to 10th, 20:00-24:00.

Tower in front of Menza pri koritu, Metelkova Mesto
March 8th, 20:00
Open-air photo projection: Bojana Rudovič Žvanut (SLO) and Maja Smrekar (SLO): Hypnagogia 01