Performance: Alex Alvina Chamberland (USA/SE): My Femininity

My femininity is a piece by Alex Alvina Chamberland that is both only about femininity and only about everything else. As usual no description in the program can make do as no book could ever be judged by its cover. The cover: Bright pink. The filling: Blood. The performance: A pink ribbon tied around a blood-filled grenade. Pomegranate? I don’t wish to tell the story before it has been told, but I already know you will react to this with your most visceral of senses. A splendid gut reaction. Beyond and inclusive of statements of the obvious. Turn off the lamp my dear darling. Rinse clear the soap from my eyes so that I can see clearly now: The darkness. Sting. Then solace. Coming from departing for a mystery. I have successfully aborted the mission another piece in the puzzle of the love song from the mad woman after her 50th trip to the bell jar, a sacrifice at the rite of spring, dancing to the war, the war that YOU did not prevent. Special thanks to: Clarice Lispector, Sylvia Plath, Vaslav Nijinsky, Fiona Apple, PJ Harvey, Kat Bjelland, Kathy Acker & Diamanda Galás.

Alex Alvina Chamberland is a 29 year old performance artist and writer based in Brooklyn and Stockholm but born and raised north of San Francisco in California. She completed their spinsters degree in gender studies at Lunds University in 2011. Alex Alvina is co-founder of The Queertopia Festival and has had articles published in many of Sweden’s largest newspapers. Among many performances Chamberland performed at and curated The Stockholm International Queer-feminist & Anti-Racist Performance Festival in april 2013, which showcased amongst others the performance icon Penny Arcade. Alex Alvina has performed on stages in Berlin, Paris, New York, San Francisco, London, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Manchester, Malmö, Istanbul, Copenhagen, and Amsterdam.  Much of their performance work focuses on their experience of oppression and empowerment as transfem(me)inine, as well as failure and stillness as a means of resistance to obligatory capitalist success and productivity. She has been a member of the performance group TIR since the autumn of 2012.

In English.

Co-production: ŠKUC – Cultural centre Q (Club Tiffany)

Voluntary contributions are more than welcome – and bloody well needed!

Map of ACC Metelkova mesto

ŠKUC – Cultural centre Q (Club Tiffany), ACC Metelkova mesto
Performance: Alex Alvina Chamberland (USA/SE): My Femininity