26th International Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns

26th International Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns

3 – 9 March 2024

Various locations


The Red Dawns will once again ignite the sky over Ljubljana and Maribor!

The 26th International Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns will take place between March 3 and 9, 2025.


The diverse festival programme will offer concerts, performances, exhibitions, literary evenings, gatherings, and film screenings that explore feminist and queer representations and F*LINTA experiences.

The festival will be opened on March 3 with two exhibitions: Lee Culetto’s solo exhibition My Life is a Hairy Story at the Alkatraz Gallery and Lenča Malec’s exhibition Orgy of Pixels at the Night Window Display Pešak Gallery. In April, Vesna Bukovec and Ana Čigon’s exhibition Remembering Tomorrow will follow, happening as well at the Alkatraz Gallery, in co-production with the City of Women – Association for the Promotion of Women in Culture. In June we are looking forward to the exhibition of Rick Burger, Portraits of Strength, in Labin’s Cultural Center Lamparna, made in cooproduction with Association Labin Art Express.

Literary events will begin on March 4 in the Project Room SCCA-Ljubljana with a queer-feminist co-creative-writing session with Tony Lashden and an evening of poetry by Carol Ann Duffy and Ana Makuc, and continue with Kviropisje, a poetry reading, at Club Tiffany on March 5. Among other interesting content, we will highlight the audio-visual lecture by Katarina Radaljac on trans-species motherhood and sound communication, which will be available online throughout the festival.

One of the festival’s central events is the awarding of the infamous bodeča neža award. This year, the awarding ceremony will move from the Club Gromka to the Pionirski Theatre, and on March 7, as part of the Fem TV 7.0 show, the winner of the anti-award will selected and awarded. The Red Dawns collective and the Spol.si web portal have selected 20 statements in the feminist year 2024/25, five of which deserve a nomination for the most sexist – you can also decide by voting until March 2 at www.bodeca-neza.spol.si.

As part of the Concert Dawns, Federico Protto will perform at the Club Tiffany on March 5, performing their songs undressed in Spanish and English, and on March 8, the Club Monokel will host the already traditional Club Dawns with DJs Saya, Estera, Mínjãs and VJ knnz. Also, the cabaret evening at Club Gromka cannot be missed – on March 6, The Dames and Chiqui Love, Babsi Adler, and Madame Scarlet will delight us with their cabaret acts.

As is now traditional, the festival will also be highlighted by queer-feminist film screenings that will take place at the Slovenian Cinematheque and Club Tiffany on March 7 and 8, respectively, as well as the March 8th Protest – this year under the title I Don’t Want Flowers, Give Me Workers’ Rights!

Throughout the entire festival, on March 7, 8, and 9, we will also be accompanied by a performative programme in Cirkulacija2, featuring Heistjan Nashulovski, Urška Medved, and Lučka Centa.

The festival will conclude on March 9 with the traditional brunch and workshop at PLAC and an open Roller Derby Ljubljana training session in the Poljane Elementary School gym.


Fiercely welcome!

The festival’s traditionally diverse program consists of concerts, performances, exhibitions, gatherings, and film screenings, organized or produced by and for women, non-binary, trans, and queer people. With the program, we want to explore the boundaries of our representations, and not only our struggles and fears but also the moments of happiness, celebration, and connection that intertwine and shape our lives and communities.

Pre-festival programme


ZIZ Cabaret
Tuesday, 25 February 2025, at 8 pm
Theatre performance

Pionirski Theatre, Dvorana Jenko, Miklošičeva 28, 1000 Ljubljana
In Slovene
Entrance Fee: 8 eur, reservations through the Pionirski theatre website

Festival programme

UNFAMILIAR AREA: Katarina Radaljac
Cross-species Motherhood under Oppression: Education through Sound Communication
Monday, 3 March 2025, from 5 pm onwards
On-line exhibition and audio-video lecture

Available through the Alkatraz Gallery webpage at www.galerijalkatraz.org
In English

Lenča Malec: Orgy of Pixels
Monday, 3 March 2025, at 6 pm

Window Display Gallery Pešak, ACC Metelkova mesto, 1000 Ljubljana
In Slovene
Free entry

Lea Culetto:  My Life is a Hairy Tale, Take Two
Monday, 3 March 2025, at 7 pm

Alkatraz Gallery, ACC Metelkova mesto, 1000 Ljubljana
In Slovene
Free entry, the exhibition will be open until the 28 March 2025
Opening hours of the Gallery: Monday – Friday: noon – 6 pm

Queer-Feminist Co-Writing Session with Tony Lashden
Tuesday, 4 March 2025, at 5 pm
Co-writing session

Project Room SCCA-Ljubljana, Metelkova 6, 1000 Ljubljana
In English
Free entry

Evening with Poetry by Carol Ann Duffy and Ana Makuc
Tuesday, 4 March 2025 at 6:30 pm
Literary event

Project Room SCCA-Ljubljana, Metelkova 6, 1000 Ljubljana
Free entry

Wednesday, 5 March 2025, at 7 pm
Poetry evening

Club Tiffany, ACC Metelkova mesto, 1000 Ljubljana
In Slovene
Free entry

Concert Dawns:
Federico Protto: songs undressed
Wednesday, 5 March 2025, at 9 pm

Club Tiffany, ACC Metelkova mesto, 1000 Ljubljana
Songs in English and Spanish
Free entry, we will be accepting voluntary contributions

Cabaret Dawns:
An Evening with the Dames (Madame Eve, Dame Shirley Knott, Chiqui Love), Babsi Adler, and Madame Scarlet
Thursday, 6 March 2025, at 9 pm
Cabaret night

Club Gromka, ACC Metelkova mesto, 1000 Ljubljana
In Slovene and English
Voluntary contributions between 7 and 10 eur

The Red Dawns Film Program 2025:
A kaleidoscope of feminist representations of queer and F*LINTA experiences
Friday, 7 March 2025, at 6 and 8 pm

Film screenings
Slovenian Cinemateque, Miklošičeva 28, 1000 Ljubljana
Various languages with English subtitles
Entry fee: 4,8 eur/free entry, more information is available through the Slovenian Cinemateque website

Hristijan Nashulovski: Neljudi
Friday, 7. 3. 2025, at 8 pm

Cirkulacija 2, Ajdovščina Underpass, 1000 Ljubljana
In Slovene and English
Free entry, we will be accepting voluntary contributions

Fem TV 7.0 x bodeča neža
Friday, 7 March 2025, at 9 pm
Theatrical performance and announcement of the bodeča neža anti-award

Pionirski Theatre, Dvorana Jenko, Miklošičeva 28, 1000 Ljubljana
In Slovenian
Entrance fee: 8 eur, reservations through the Pionirski theatre website

Protest for the 8th of March – I don’t want flowers, give me workers’ rights!
Saturday, 8 March 2025, at 4 pm

Congress Square, 1000 Ljubljana
In Slovenian
Free entry

Red Dawns Festival 2025 Film Program:
A Kaleidoscope of Feminist Representations of Queer and F*LINTA Experiences
Film Program
Saturday, 8 March 2025, at 7 pm

Club Tiffany, ACC Metelkova mesto, 1000 Ljubljana
In several languages, subtitled in English
Free entry

Lučka Centa: ved ́ma
Saturday, 8 March 2025, at 8 pm

Cirkulacija 2, Ajdovščina Underpass, 1000 Ljubljana
Free entry, we will be accepting voluntary contributions

Club Dawns: Saya, Estera, Mínjãs and VJ knnz
Saturday, 8 March 2025, from 11 pm to 5 am
DJ Evening

Club Monokel, ACC Metelkova mesto, 1000 Ljubljana
In the universal language of music
Entrance fee: 5 eur > 00.00 > 7 eur

Brunch: Potluck of Happiness
Sunday, 9 March 2025, at 1 pm

PLAC, Linhartova 43, 1000 Ljubljana
Slovenian, if necessary, the event will be translated into English
Free entry, bring a vegan dish to share <3

Abolitionism Workshop
Sunday, 9 March 2025, at 2 pm
Round table and discussion

PLAC, Linhartova 43, 1000 Ljubljana
Slovenian, if necessary, the event will be translated into English
Free entry

Open Roller Derby Ljubljana training
Sunday, 9 March 2024, at 5:30 pm
Sports workshop

Gym of the Poljane Elementary School, Zemljemerska ulica 7, 1000 Ljubljana
Slovenian, if necessary, the event will be translated into English
Free entry, applications through rdece.zore@gmail.com

Urška Medved: Oh, my dear, spinning wheel…
Sunday, 9 March 2025, at 8 pm

Cirkulacija 2, Ajdovščina Underpass, 1000 Ljubljana
Free entry, we will be accepting voluntary contributions

The program will also take place in Maribor between March 6th and 8th, under the auspices of the ZIZ association! More about the programme at www.ziz.si


Thank you to everyone who was involved in the festival in any way – for your work, support, and cooperation. Thank you to all the venues and collectives who welcomed us and will be offering us space, to all the artists for their indispensable contribution, to all the volunteers for their selfless work and of course to all the individuals who have and will make this year’s festival possible with their donations!


The 26th Red Dawns Festival is in co-production or collaboration with:

Printing Studio METATISK – ACC MM, Cultural and Artistic Association ZIZ, Gallery Night Window Display Pešak – ACC MM, Gallery Alkatraz – ACC MM, Institute for Contemporary Art SCCA-Ljubljana, Sophia Publishing House, Kviropisje, ŠKUC Association (Cultural center Q (Club Tiffany – ACC MM) and the ŠKUC Gallery), Club Gromka – ACC MM, National House Maribor, Slovenian Cinematheque, Pionirski Theater, the Fem TV Collective, Association for the Promotion of Equality and Pluralism Vita Activa (Spol.si), the Matafir Association, Association for Interdisciplinarity, Self-Production and Circulation of Contemporary Art Cirkulacija 2, Student Association Iskra, Club Monokel – ACC MM, Rejv Utopija Institute, Participatory Ljubljana Autonomous Zone – PLAC, Roller Derby Ljubljana Association, Association for the Promotion of Women in culture – City of Women and the Labin Art Express XXI Association (HR).

The events of the 26th International Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns are partially co-financed by the City of Ljubljana – Department of Culture and the Ministry of Culture. The financiers and producers of individual events can be found at www.rdecezore.org